Grooming will improve overall health and a healthy dog is a happy dog! No matter what age, size or coat type, your dog will benefit from being regularly groomed at home and hub.
These benefits extend far beyond just making your dog look stylish. Brushing your dog ventilates their coat, helping it grow healthy and strong and takes away old and damaged hair. When a dog moults, the loose hair can get tangled which causes matting, which if not brushed away regularly will pull on their skin and be painful. Dogs don’t always share their discomfort, so it is important to keep on top of grooming.
Your pup will feel like they’re getting a pamper massage while dead hair is removed, new hair growth is stimulated and their natural oils will come to the surface. Grooming maintains a healthy skin barrier that helps prevent blocked pores, infections and irritated skin.
Grooming is a great bonding time, the more regularly you do it, the more they’ll get used to it. The process should be more akin to a soothing relaxing massage experience that enhances the human- animal bond. We can work with you to create a grooming look and schedule that fits your lifestyle.
If there is a particular style you would like, please send us a photo and let us know. Our goal is to make your dog look even more amazing!